Friday, October 29, 2010


Mike Portnoy has issued the following statement:

I am about to write something I never imagined I'd ever write: After 25 years, I have decided to leave Dream Theater....the band I founded, led and truly loved for a quarter of a century. To many people this will come as a complete shock, and will also likely be misunderstood by some, but please believe me that it is not a hasty is something I have struggled with for the last year or so.... After having had such amazing experiences playing with Hail, Transatlantic and Avenged Sevenfold this past year, I have sadly come to the conclusion that I have recently had more fun and better personal relations with these other projects than I have for a while now in Dream Theater... Please don't misinterpret me, I love the DT guys dearly and have a long history, friendship and bond that runs incredibly deep with's just that I think we are in serious need of a little break... Dream Theater was always my baby...and I nurtured that baby every single day and waking moment of my life since 1985...24/7, 365...never taking time off from DT's never-ending responsibilites (even when the band was "off" between cycles)...working overtime and way beyond the call of duty that most sane people ever would do for a band... But I've come to the conclusion that the DT machine was starting to burn me out...and I really needed a break from the band in order to save my relationship with the other members and keep my DT spirit hungry and inspired. We have been on an endless write/record/tour cycle for almost 20 years now (of which I have overseen EVERY aspect without a break) and while a few months apart from each other here & there over the years has been much needed and helpful, I honestly hoped the band could simply agree with me to taking a bit of a "hiatus" to recharge our batteries and "save me from ourselves"... Sadly, in discussing this with the guys, they determined they do not share my feelings and have decided to continue without me rather than take a breather...I even offered to do some occasional work throughout 2011 against my initial wishes, but it was not to be... While it truly hurts for me to even think of a Dream Theater without Mike Portnoy (hell, my father named the band!!), I do not want to stand in their I have decided to sacrifice myself and simply leave the band so as to not hold them back against their wishes.... Strangely enough, I just read an interview that I recently did that asked me about the future of DT and I talked about "always following your heart and being true to yourself"...sadly I must say that at this particular moment, my heart is not with Dream Theater...and I would simply be "going through the motions", and would honestly NOT be true to myself if I stayed for the sake of obligation without taking the break I felt I needed. I wish the guys the best and hope the music and legacy we created together is enjoyed by fans for decades to come...I am proud of every album we made, every song we wrote and every show we played.... I'm sorry to all the disappointed DT fans around the world...I really tried to salvage the situation and make it work...I honestly just wanted a break (not a split)...but happiness cannot be forced, it needs to come from within.... You DT fans are the greatest fans in the world and as you all know, I have always busted my ass for you guys and I hope that you will stay with me on my future musical journey, wherever it may lead me....(and as you all know my work ethic, there will surely be no shortage of future MP projects!) 

Your fearless ex-leader and drummer, 

"Move on be brave, don't weep at my grave, because I am no longer here... But please never let your memory of me disappear...." --- The Spirit Carries On

In a later message on his personal Facebook page, Mike has released the following addendum: 

I BEG of the fans to please NOT hold A7X responsible for MY decision...they are just as shocked as you guys..I had been contemplating this and desiring a "break" (not split) as long ago as last year...everything else is fully explained in the press release...thank you all for your support and understanding...this is th...e hardest thing I've ever done...:(


Gunung Merapi di perbatasan Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta sudah meletus.Sebanyak 33 orang tewas.Kini, ada delapan gunung berapi lainnya di Tanah Air dalam status 'Waspada'."Status waspada kita berikan karena kawah gunung tidak dalam kondisi aman untuk didekati," kata Kepala Sub Bidang Pengamatan Gunung Api Pusat Vulkanologi Mitigasi Bencana dan Geologi Kementerian ESDM, Agus Budianto, Jumat (29/10). 

Delapan gunung berapi aktif itu tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dari Sumatera sampai Pulau Jawa. Delapan gunung itu terus mendapat pantauan khusus dari Pusat Vulkanologi. Delapan gunung api itu yakni :
1. Gunung Sinabung, Karo, Sumatera Utara.
2. Gunung Talang, Solok, Sumatera Barat.
3. Gunung Anak Krakatau, Lampung.
4. Gunung Papandayan, Garut, Jawa Barat.
5. Gunung Slamet, Tegal, Jawa Tengah.
6. Gunung Dieng, Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah.
7. Gunung Semeru, Lumajang, Jawa Timur.
8. Gunung Bromo, Probolinggi, Jawa Timur

Sementara itu Gunung Krakatau, kerap mengeluarkan lava pijar dengan volume kecil dan tidak membahayakan. Aktivitas Krakatau terjadi sejak 2007 sampai saat ini. Letusan kecil kerap terjadi. Lava pijar di Krakatau itu sudah sering terjadi. Tidak berbahaya, karena pemukiman terdekat jaraknya sekitar 46 kilometer. Sedangkan untuk Semeru hingga saat ini masih dalam pembentukan kubah lava. Kerap terjadi letusan kecil tetapi tidak berbahaya. Akan sangat berbahaya bila ada manusia yang mendekat ke arah kawah. 


Anak gunung Krakatau

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kepala Polisi muda, Si Cantik Garcia

Kota Praxedis ini sering menjadi arena pertempuran dua kartel obat bius.

VIVAnews - Marisol Valles Garcia, menjadi kepala polisi termuda. Di usianya yang baru menginjak 20 tahun, mahasiswi ini resmi dilantik menjadi kepala polisi di suatu kota kecil di negara bagian Chihuahua, Meksiko.

Keinginan Garcia menjadi polisi dilatarbelakangi karena dia sudah lelah dirundung ketakutan dari teror para kriminal yang berkeliaran di kotanya, Praxedis G. Guerrero, sebuah kota berpenduduk tidak sampai sembilan ribu jiwa. Praxedis kondang sebagai wilayah kekuasaan para mafia.

Kota Praxedis ini sering menjadi arena pertempuran dua kartel obat bius, Juarez dan Sinaloa. Mereka telah membunuh pejabat polisi dan walikota sebelumnya. Namun, Garcia memberanikan diri menduduki posisi "neraka" itu.

Sebagai Kepala Polisi, Valles membawahi 12 personel polisi. Langkah pertama Garcia memerintahkan mereka pergi mengecek rumah-rumah dan  mencari elemen kriminal yang pekan lalu membunuh delapan orang. Kliki di sini untuk melihat aksi Garcia menjadi kepala polisi di Kota Praxedis.

Caesar III (PC GAME)

This game runs perfect on my system. I've owned it a couple years and have played through the single player campaign a few times. This is one of the games in my cycle, I play it a lot then come back to it later. And play it lots more. Caesar III puts you in the role of governor of a roman-era city. There are many things to build and city layout problems will keep your mind working.
Every structure you build in Caesar 3 has some affect on the area nearby. You will build houses, but if you want a neighborhood to be a high-tax luxury area you will have the meet many requirements. Even with every improvement in the game near a housing area you will not see development without water! And for it to be a good area, you want clean water as well. So you can go the easy way, a well, or build a reservoir and aquaduct system capable of transporting water to your citizens who may be across the map.
After that task you will have to provide food, entertainment, religious, health, security and engineering. Because some maps have very little space available for housing or not enough farmland to support a large population you will have to deal with many challenges. The variety of maps makes certain a cheap city layout won't work everywhere. Also, some structures can't be built and certain resources can't be traded on various maps.
Learning how to play the game is easy. Learning how some of it works is not. The single player career mode will be gentle with you on early maps, introducing new structures and making you learn to use them to improve your city. This is great and after the first couple maps you have plenty of options for you as governor.
Caesar 3 works like this: Each building produces some population or requires workers to run it. So you will need to allocate workers to the various job types to help your city work more effectively. A city can be stagnated by not enough workers so you must not overbuild. Once, for example, a market is built a citizen will go about patrolling the neighborhoods nearby looking for workers. When sufficient workers are found the market will be open and a market trader (walker) will begin going around to warehouses and granaries looking for luxuries/food. Then, a market seller (yet another type of walker) will go around in that same area distributing the food and luxuries to your populace. It can be challenging to achieve upper housing levels on maps because of a lack of space coupled with some minor AI problems when it comes to the way these walkers will choose their paths for getting around the map. There are many other types of walkers that will service the population as well, and if you want a good city you will be wise to learn how each affects your city.
A feature I found interesting to this game is the religion system. Your city builds temples to the gods or holds festivals to a certain god, you can earn a blessing. Ceres will make all the crops of your farms grow to full, Mars will send a spirit to watch over your city, etc. Neglected gods will get angry however and can unleash their wrath on your city. Mars may instead send a band of rebels to attack your city or Mercury may destroy all your granaries and the food stored in them. Gods can get jealous as well, so a balance must be found even if you are only seeking a certain blessing.
Not really a necessity in a game like this, but a cool feature is combat! You can build legions to defend your city or send them off on to defend the empire in areas abroad at the request of Caesar. There are 3 types of soldier in the game, legionnaries who are your standard roman soldiers, but very effective in combat. Javelineers can throw yep, javelins at the enemy and are effective support troops. Cavalry are quick and useful for reserve duty or to clean up the fleeing enemy. Troops are trained at the barracks when you have weapons stored (produce or import these), move on to the military academy for extra training, if you have one. Then move on to the fort you constructed which is intended to house one of the three types of units. Defensive walls and ballista towers can be built as well to protect your city.
Caesar 3 is colorful and fun and, while it does not have infinite replay value which I consider to be a real asset, you can still get many hours of enjoyment out of the game. A nice break from the action games that are abound in the game industry today. Buy it here.

langsung di duplikat dari:
source: carl's guide


Pertama pergi ke halaman design>> Edit Html... 
setelah itu cari: ]]></b:skin> kamu bisa search langsung dengan menggunakan search dengan menekan CTRL+F pada browsermu.. setelah ketemu langsung saja kamu copy-paste kode berikut ini di atas kode ]]></b:skin>...

#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

lalu save template dan lihat hasilnya View blog.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


c'mon!! laugh everyone.... hahahaaaaa!!!!

The Current State of Web Design: Trends 2010

Web design is a fickle industry. Just like every other form of artistic expression, Web design has undergone a continuous and surprisingly fast evolution. Once a playground for enthusiasts, it has now become a mature rich medium with strong aesthetic and functional appeal. In fact, we are experiencing what could be the golden era of Web design — or at least the best period thus far. We have powerful new tools at our disposal (CSS3, HTML5, font-embedding, etc.), a plethora of freely available resources, a strong design community and also (if you needed any more!) reliable support of Web standards in the major browsers.

We’re seeing better interaction design and more aesthetically pleasing designs. And we’re seeing more personal, engaging and memorable sites, too. But what exactly is making the difference? What new directions is Web design heading in today? What new techniques, concepts and ideas are becoming important? In this article, we present some observations on the current state of Web design. We describe existing and upcoming trends and explain how Web design might evolve in the coming months and years. We’ll also touch on what we as Web designers should be ready for to keep abreast of new challenges and opportunities.

12 Unusual and Creative Home Theaters

Creative home theater designs inspired by classic movies and TV shows. 

Amazing Underwater Sculptures

Jason deCaires Taylor creates incredible underwater sculptures that form artificial reefs and attract curious tourists from all over the globe.



50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Tools

These are great times for front-end developers. After months of exaggerated excitement about HTML5 and CSS3, the web design community now starts coming up with CSS techniques that actually put newly available technologies to practical use instead of abusing them for pure aesthetic purposes. We see fewer “pure CSS images” and more advanced, clever CSS techniques that can actually improve the Web browsing experience of users. And that’s a good thing!
In this post we present recently released CSS techniques, tutorials and tools for you to use and enhance your workflow, thus improving your skills. Please don’t hesitate to comment on this post and let us know how exactly you are using them in your workflow. However, please avoid link dropping, but share your insights and your experience instead. Also, notice that some techniques are not only CSS-based, but use JavaScript, or JavaScript-libraries as well.


Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

As designers, we have to create an intuitive user experience, solve design problems and provide a beautiful and functional user interfaces. Unlike print design, we don’t have the luxury of designing in a static area; rather, our canvas is ever-changing in its content, browser width, page length and more. We do need to be able to code to some extent and be able to build a design around a structure of code. Yet, with these complications comes an opportunity for unique functionality, interactive effects and better user experience.
In this article, we’ll look at five useful coding solutions that we’ve stumble upon recently. All of these solutions enhance a website’s design, not just the code. These solutions affect the user interface and the user’s interaction with the design, and they can make for a more usable and interactive website.



Organizations tips for web designers

As a web designer, you’re often forced to wear many different hats every day. You’re the CEO, creative director, office manager, coffee fetcher and sometimes even janitor. That’s a lot for anyone, and it certainly makes it difficult to find any time for quality creative thinking. Organization in any operation is important, and for our work as web designers it is important, too. The good news? You don’t have to have been born an organizational machine. Let’s look at what being organized means and a few strategies and tips to help you clean up that messy desk and get your work ducks in a nice neat row.

source : Smashingmagazine

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Tielman Brothers

Band legendaris asal INDONESIA.

Band Proyek sampingan Reza-Peterpan

VIVAnews- Semenjak Ariel mendekam dalam tahanan Mabes Polri, Peterpan memilih vakum dari industri musik tanah air. Hal ini membuat para anggota personil Peterpan lainnya membuat band baru untuk mengisi kekosongan. 

Hal ini dibenarkan oleh produser Peterpan, Capung. Pria yang dulu aktif di band Java Jive tersebut mengatakan bahwa drumer Peterpan, Reza, telah membuat band baru. "Namanya Orange. Itu proyek sampingan dia, yang lain juga kok," kata  Capung saat dihubungi VIVAnews, Senin 11 oktober 2010. 

Dia menjelaskan, manajemen tidak mempermasalahkan atau melarang anggota Peterpan untuk berkarya di dunia musik dengan membuat band baru. Band baru bentukan para personel Peterpan itu, kata Capung, mulai terbentuk sejak Ariel ditahan di Mabes Polri. 

"Aktifnya mulai Ariel masuk (bui), tapi tidak masalah," ucap Capung. 

Jika Reza membuat band baru bernama Orange. Uky dan Lukman, personal Peterpan yang lain, membuat band indie sekaligus menjadi produsernya.Source : Vivanews

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Membuat Object Dock pada header blogger/blogspot..

Pertama sebelum kita membuat object dock pada header  blog. Kita harus menyiapkan ikon sebagai objek yang akan di pasang pada headernya disarankan jenis file imagenya PNG agar dapat menggunakan transparansi pada background ikon nya. kita bisa menguploadnya sendiri pada image uploader yang gratis seperti Photobucket, imagesharks, atau bagi yang memiliki account google bisa juga menggunakan Picassa album. setelah itu...

pergi ke design > Edit Html > klik Expand Widget

lalu cari <header>. kamu bisa search langsung dengan menekan Ctrl + F lalu, masukkan kata kunci <header>
setelah ketemu. Copy - paste code berikut ini setelah kode <header> atau sebelum </header>

ini untuk kode CSS nya.

Dan copy - paste juga kode HTML berikut ini dibawahnya.

Keterangan :
Ganti ketik URL halaman disini dengan alamat halaman blog yang kamu tuju dan ganti juga Url gambar dengan URL gambar yang telah kamu upload sebelumnya. Jangan lupa ganti Judul dengan nama page yang dituju Misal : Home, gallery dll....
kamu bisa menambahkan jumlah ikon yang kamu inginkan dengan menambah/mengcopy paste kode
<li><a href='ketik URL halaman disini'><img src='Url gambar' title='Judul'/></a></li> 

Dan full codenya seperti dibawah ini. disini ditambah kan kode <center> untuk alignment tengah pada awal kode dan akhir.

Setelah selesai klik SAVE TEMPLATE  lalu view blog untuk melihat hasilnya.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Coming soon Part 1 in November 2010....

Sekilas tentang HP 7

Film ini "direncanakan" menjadi seri terakhir dari film harry potter. Dan di Harry Potter 7 ini di ceritakan pada Bab terakhir dari seri film Harry Potter dimulai ketika Harry, Ron dan Hermione meninggalkan Hogwarts dibelakang dan berangkat untuk menemukan dan menghancurkan Horcrux - rahasia kekuatan Voldemort dan keabadian. Meskipun ini merupakan bagian akhir dari seri harry potter, sesuai dengan Novel Harry potter itu sendiri tetapi, baru- baru ini ada kabar pada saat wawancara dengan sang penulis Novel Harry potter tsb bahwa mungkin ini bisa menjadi buku terakhir dari cerita harry potter dan bisa saja tidak bahkan dia menambahkan bisa saja dia membuat buku tentang harry potter yang ke delapan, sepuluh dst. jd mungkin ini bisa menjadi sebuah clue bahwa film harry potter masih akan berlanjut. Kita tunggu saja... 


Bagian I akan hadir di bioskop 19 November, sementara Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Bagian II dijadwalkan akan dirilis 15 Juli 2011. Film ini dibintangi Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Jim Broadbent, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, David Thewlis, Julie Walters dan diarahkan oleh David Yates.

info lebih lanjut >>

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My day

hari hari berlalu sendiri di selimuti rasa sepi
waktu berganti 
berlari seperti dikejar waktu yang tak berhenti terus berputar
kekhawatiran menyelimutiku
tapi tak ada rasa takut untuk menghadapinya
hanya sebuah gangguan yang terus bising membisikan di telingaku 
alhamdulillah ya Allah engkau selalu ada dihatiku
menenangkan jiwaku
meramaikan kesepian dalam kesendirianku
menerangi malam dan hariku....